Da Mimmo is our historic restaurant in the Upper Town, born in 1956 from the initiative and intuition of our father, Mimmo Amaddeo, and our mother Lina.

The restaurant is located in the “Casazza”, a building of 1357 once home to the Venetian postal service. In these  environments rich of history you can breathe our passion for a simple and authentic cuisine, respectful of the rhythms of the seasons and nature. A thought that is reflected in every dish and that at the same time also knows how to look ahead, towards a continuous search.

The interior dining rooms are treated in every detail, the fourteenth-century outdoor courtyard and the terrace overlooking the court of Sant’Agata.

Ours is a restaurant of the Slow Food alliance, for this reason most of the ingredients used in the kitchen – flour, butter, eggs, honey, meats, meats, cheeses, milk, vegetables, fruit – come from local and organic production.

Contacts and Reservations

Da Mimmo
Via B.Colleoni, 17
24129 — Città Alta — Bergamo
T +39. 035. 218535 / F+39. 035. 237 480